Haryana CM: The Army was powerless during the Congress administration

Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini, criticizing Congress leaders, said today that the opposition party had always won over votes from the impoverished by promising their well-being, but it had never followed through on these promises despite controlling the country for many years.

“In the previous elections, the Congress gave the impoverished a lot of hope, but it accomplished little to eliminate their poverty. The leaders of Congress labored to stock their homes with funds intended for social programs. Prior to 2014, the people lived in dread because of the incorrect policies implemented by the Congress administration, Saini said during a Tuesday night public forum in this city.

“The Congress government remained silent whenever terrorists engaged in nefarious activities,” he remarked. The lives of regular people were at jeopardy at that time. Back then, the Army had little power. Its officers faced a court martial if they intervened on behalf of terrorists. But since becoming office in 2014, the BJP has made a concerted effort to curb terrorist activity,” he said.

Even in Pakistan, the Army now uses surgical attacks to eliminate terrorists. There are no longer any stone-pelters in Kashmir. It has occurred as a result of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s resolute effort to eradicating terrorism from the country. India has grown to be a strong country on a global scale, and Indians residing overseas are aware that Prime Minister Modi is there to support them in an emergency, according to Saini.

“Your vote would work to take the nation forward,” the chief minister stated, urging support for BJP candidate Dr. Arvind Sharma. Afterwards, at the Kharawar bypass here, he also went to an entrepreneurs’ felicitation celebration.

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