Himachal Pradesh’s chief minister opens a Rs. 15 crore fine arts college in the Shimla Rural Assembly district

Today, the Rs 15.43 crore Jawahar Lal Nehru Fine Arts Government College, Loharab, located in the Shimla Rural Assembly constituency, was officially opened by Chief Minister Sukhvinder Sukhu. At a cost of Rs 5 crore, he also lay the foundation stone for a block development office building in Totu.

Speaking to the audience on the occasion, the chief minister promised that the institution will launch new courses and create modern classrooms in addition to allocating Rs 20 lakh for a sports field. He announced the launch of a bus service for the surrounding region and the creation of dorms inside the campus.

According to the CM, the government was reforming education and giving excellent education first priority. “It is planned to rate all educational institutions annually and implement a performance-based funding system starting in the next fiscal year. An internet gateway will be used to establish this system,” he said, adding that multifaceted plans have been put in place to encourage pupils to read and write.

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