Hyderabad: Three people perish in a hazardous gas-filled manhole

On Friday night, three contract workers were killed when they went into a manhole that was poisoned with gas and filled with stagnant water. Ayyappa Infrastructure and Co. hired the victims—named as 40-year-old Sreenivas and Hanumanthu from Mahbunagar and 53-year-old Ramulu from Nizamabad—to clean the manhole.

According to police reports, there was an opening in the manhole, but the water level was only knee deep. The first person to enter the manhole, Sreenivas, probably lost consciousness after breathing in the toxic fumes emitted from the aperture. Hanumanthu entered the manhole to aid Sreenivas, but he too perished from the poisonous gas. Then Ramulu went inside the little area and had the same terrible outcome.

Bystanders who were alarmed called the police right away.

To recover the dead, a team from the Disaster Management Rapid Response Force (DRF) raced to the scene. When Ramulu was pulled from the manhole, he was unconscious. He was sent to Osmania Hospital and died there while receiving treatment. It’s possible that the three passed out, plunged into the knee-deep water, and perished.

Booking for contracting business

Under Section 304A of the IPC, Kulsumpura police have filed a charge of negligence against Ayyappa Infrastructure Company and have started an investigation.

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