IIT Kharagpur updates course offerings to reflect NEP 2020

According to its director VK Tewari, IIT-Kharagpur has modified its undergraduate and graduate curriculum to reflect the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

Speaking at a news conference, Tewari said that interdisciplinary research in science, technology, management, and law has been one of the primary endeavors carried out by IIT-Kharagpur in light of NEP 2020.

He announced on Monday that the MBBS program has begun at the BC Roy Institute of Medical Science and Technology, “IIT-Kharagpur is now adding a new dimension.”

The selection of electives in the UG and PG curriculum has expanded. Additionally, he said, “interdisciplinary dual-degree programs have been developed.

According to Tewari, the eight-week summer internship that was formerly required for UG programs at IIT Kharagpur may now be expanded to eight months of research or industrial internship.

According to him, internships have also been suggested for PG programs.

According to Tewari, IIT-Kharagpur has established an office for foreign students and is working to boost the number of international students it admits.

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