In a school in Noida, a guy student assaulted a girl in class 11

In Noida, Uttar Pradesh, a guy student is accused of viciously assaulting a Class 11 girl from a private school, according to police.

The encounter occurred on Friday as a result of a harassment complaint the victim made against the accused three days before, according to the police.

The girl had reported the boy and his companions’ mistreatment of her and her behavior to the school administration, but their complaint was dismissed.

On Friday, the teenager pursued the girl after learning of the complaint and viciously beat her in front of his buddies.

The victim’s relatives reported the event to the police and the school administrator as soon as they were made aware of it.

The Pathways School in Noida’s Sector-100, where the event was reported, however, made attempts to cover it up, according to the police.

The accused student, according to reports, comes from a well-known family.

The relevant police station’s deputy chief of police, assistant chief of police, and other officers flocked to the scene.


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