In BJP’s ten years, crime and unemployment increased, according to Bhupinder Hooda

According to former chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Haryana led the nation under Congress rule in terms of per capita investment, per capita income, creation of jobs, and respect for farmers and athletes. All the BJP administration, he said, had done was position Haryana as a leader in terms of inflation, drugs, crime, unemployment, and corruption.

After inviting Rahul Gandhi to Sonepat, Hooda addressed a public assembly at the grain market and asked supporters to support Satpal Brahamchari.

Hooda expressed her amazement at the large turnout at the gathering and added that Rahul Gandhi visited and listened to farmers, youth, women, and the impoverished around the nation during the Bharat Jodo Yatra. He stated that after meeting with the people, a Nyaypatra in the form of the Congress manifesto was created to address the issues that the nation’s citizens were experiencing.

“While all of the BJP’s pledges have shown to be false, the promises made by the Congress will undoubtedly be kept. He remarked, “They quadrupled their input costs instead of doubling farmers’ revenue, despite their pledge to do so. Haryana’s identity lies in its farmers, soldiers, and wrestlers, but Hooda said that this administration has mistreated and disregarded them.

Rahul Gandhi was also met by Congress state president Chaudhary Udaibhan, who said that the results of the May 25 election would determine the status and future of the nation.

The public suffered greatly as a result of all of the BJP’s policies, including demonetisation, the Agniveer plan, and Corona management. These measures had to have an adverse effect on the economy and the whole nation. Thousands of industries were closed as a result, and crores of young people lost their jobs,” he said.

As Rahul announced plans to end the Agniveer scheme, provide farmers legitimate MSP, and launch programs for women and youth, the crowd applauded and whistled.

The Congressman used “Khatakhat-Khatakat” many times in his speech, making it his main phrase. Rahul promised to put money into the women’s “Khatakhat-Khatakhat” accounts.

At the protest, there was also a security breakdown. Drones were used by some social media users when Rahul was speaking to the assembly. Due to the intense heat, large fans and coolers were built, and plans were made for people to have access to drinking water. As the leader spoke to the assembly, the center gallery was likewise packed.

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