In Odisha, the south-west monsoon can come early

Although the south-west monsoon has never arrived easily, Odisha may get the rainy system sooner this year than normal.

According to IMD, on May 19, two days ahead of its typical start date of May 22, the south-west monsoon is expected to move into the south Andaman Sea, certain areas of the south-east Bay of Bengal, and the Nicobar Islands.

The south-west monsoon typically arrives over Kerala around June 1st, but this year the system is predicted to arrive in the southern region earlier than usual. A meteorologist predicted that the monsoon will reach Odisha ahead of schedule, on June 12.

However, if any unsettling weather systems occur during the time, it may have a negative influence on the commencement and progression of the south-west monsoon. The third week of May is predicted to see a rise in the cross-equatorial flow from the southern hemisphere to the eastern Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea, which may also contribute to the south-west monsoon’s progress. Lower level vorticity is expected to rise over the aforementioned area ahead of the southerly to south-westerly monsoonal surge, which may also favor depression development.

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