India is against the UN sending a “special envoy” to fight Islamophobia

India’s Permanent Representative Ruchira Kamboj, referring to her country as “a proud champion of pluralism,” expressed opposition to the creation of a “special envoy” position on a particular religion at the United Nations today.

This occurs in the wake of the UN General Assembly passing the Resolution on “Measures to Combat Islamophobia,” which among other things asks for the UN Special Envoy to be appointed in order to fight Islamophobia.

Ambassador Kamboj gave an explanation of India’s stance during the resolution’s approval, stating that while Islamophobia is a serious problem, it is equally important to recognize that other faiths are subject to prejudice.

“Crucial to acknowledge that phobias extend beyond Abrahamic religions…anti-Hindu, anti-Buddhist, anti-Sikh elements…increasing attacks on Gurdwaras, monasteries, temples..” The Indian representative to the UN said.

“The destruction of Bamiyan Buddha, violation of Gurudwara premises, massacre of Sikh pilgrims, attacks on temples, glorification of breaking idols in temple contribute to rise of contemporary form of religio-phobia against non-abrahamic religions.”

Ambassador Kamboj continued by saying that it is critical to acknowledge that religion-based fear affects Sikhism, which has over 30 million adherents globally, Buddhism, which has over 535 million, and Hinduism, which has over 1.2 billion adherents.

“It is time we acknowledge the prevalence of religious phobia rather than just single out one,” she said.

In addition, the ambassador stated: “Allocating resources solely to combat Islamophobia, while neglecting similar challenges faced by other kinds might inadvertently perpetuate a sense of exclusion and inequality.”

Pakistan is said to have mediated the settlement on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

According to the nation’s top envoy to the UN, Ambassador Munir Akram, Muslims encounter prejudice worldwide and “bold and decisive actions are needed to counter and combat Islamophobia.”

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