India On The Israel-Hamas War: “Loss Of Lives Unacceptable, Dialogue Only Way Forward”

New York: Ruchira Kamboj, India’s permanent representative to the UN, vehemently denounced the death toll from the current conflict between Israel and Hamas, calling it a “clearly unacceptable” humanitarian situation.
“An appalling humanitarian catastrophe has developed from the ongoing battle between Israel and Hamas, which has caused a large-scale loss of civilian life, mainly women and children. The killings of civilians are totally abhorrent, and we have severely criticized this. Simultaneously, we recognize that the terror acts that occurred in Israel on October 7th were the direct cause, and we strongly denounce them. India views terrorism with zero tolerance, according to Ms. Kamboj.

Speaking at a UNGA conference on the state of affairs in West Asia, Ms. Kamboj emphasized India’s continued efforts to normalize the current state of affairs in the area and increase humanitarian help in Gaza.

“India’s leadership maintains continuous communication with regional leaders, particularly those of Israel and Palestine. at addition, we have expressed our opinions at international fora like the G20, BRICS, and the Global South Summit in November 2023, where we reaffirmed our fundamental and long-standing stance on the matter. The permanent representative of India to the UN said, “We have also called for continued humanitarian aid for the affected population and in this regard, we hope that Security Council Resolution 2720 would aid in enhancing humanitarian assistance.”

“India has so far sent the people of Palestine 70 tons of humanitarian help, including 16.5 tonnes of medication and medical supplies split into two installments. Additionally, we have given USD 5 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees in the Near East, which includes the USD 2.5 million we gave at the end of December 2023. This money will support the agency’s core services and programs, which include social services, health care, education, and relief for Palestinian refugees, according to Ms. Kamboj.

India’s permanent envoy to the UN reaffirmed support for the two-state solution, arguing that diplomacy and discussion would be the only means of resolving the dispute peacefully.

From the beginning of this crisis, India has made a very clear and constant statement. Preventing the situation from becoming worse, making sure that humanitarian help keeps coming in, and working toward an early return of peace and security are all crucial. “The only path forward is a peaceful resolution of the conflict through dialogue and diplomacy,” Ms. Kamboj declared.

“By restating India’s unwavering dedication to finding a fair, peaceful, and long-lasting resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. We really think that the people of Israel and Palestine can only have the lasting peace they deserve if a two-state solution is reached via substantive and direct discussions on final status issues between both parties. In light of this, we implore the parties to defuse violence, defuse tensions, and endeavor to set the stage for an early start of direct peace talks,” she continued.

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