India’s response to the Manipur Resolution of the European Parliament reflects colonial mindset

A resolution passed by the European Parliament about the situation in Manipur has been criticized by India as having “colonial mindset” as its basis.

Arindam Bagchi, a spokesman for the External Affairs Ministry, called the involvement “unacceptable” in India’s domestic affairs.

He said on Thursday, “We have seen that the European Parliament convened a debate on events in Manipur and issued a so-called emergency resolution.

Such meddling in the internal affairs of India is inappropriate and exhibits colonial thinking, Bagchi said.

A resolution addressing India’s human rights situation, namely the current fighting in Manipur, was approved by the European Parliament on Thursday. The Indian government was urged to take action to stop the racial and religious violence and to “protect all religious minorities” by the French Parliament in Strasbourg.

Bagchi said that all levels of Indian authorities, including the court, are aware of the situation in Manipur and are acting to uphold law and order as well as peace and harmony.

In response to questions from the media over the resolution, he remarked, “The European Parliament would be well advised to utilize its time more productively on its internal issues.”

For over two months, Manipur has been the scene of deadly conflicts, particularly between the Kuki and Meitei populations. The administration has been charged by opposition parties for failing to control the violence.

Since ethnic conflicts between the groups in the state started on May 3, more than 150 people have died and many have been wounded.

Tribals, including Nagas and Kukis, make up 40% of Manipur’s population and are mostly concentrated in the hill regions, whereas Meiteis make up around 53% of the population and dwell primarily in the Imphal Valley.



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