J-K: Mehbooba Mufti visits the family in Baramulla of a dead officer

Mehbooba Mufti, the former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, paid a visit to the home of the policeman who was killed by terrorists earlier this week in the Baramulla area on Saturday.
Terrorists shot Ghulam Mohd Dar, a top constable of the J-K Police, outside his home on Tuesday night, and he later died from his wounds.

Additionally, the head of the Peoples Democratic Party asked Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha to provide the daughter of the slain police officer a position in the civil department.

The PDP chief stated to reporters, “He was an honest guy. I want the lieutenant governor to provide employment in the civil department to a daughter.Is this not a byproduct of something? Soon compensation must also be provided.

Tuesday night was the day of the chief constable’s funeral, during which a wreath was laid.

According to Kashmir police, terrorists murdered a Wailoo Kralpora resident on Tuesday outside his home, injuring police officials in the process.

“Police personnel who had been injured passed away and became a martyr. Kashmir police Zone had posted on X, saying, “We pay our rich tributes to the martyr & stand by his family at this critical juncture.”

According to authorities earlier this month, after receiving treatment at SDH Tangmarg, he passed away from his wounds.




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