Jharkhand Chief Minister Launches Two Programs for Students Seeking Higher Education

On Monday, Jharkhand Chief Minister Champai Soren unveiled two initiatives designed to improve students’ access to postsecondary education. During the opening event at Tana Bhagat Stadium in Ranchi, Soren emphasized the value of the Guruji Student Credit Card and the Manki Munda Scholarship programs in assisting students in overcoming barriers to higher education.

“Today is a critical day for Jharkhand because the government has launched two significant initiatives to lower barriers to higher education for students,” Soren said. Students may get school loans up to Rs 15 lakh without collateral via the Guruji Student Credit Card program, at an annual interest rate of 4%. According to him, the government would serve as the guarantee for the loan repayment, which will start one year after the course ends.

In a similar vein, the Manki Munda Scholarship program seeks to encourage females to seek technical education. He said that female students enrolled in diploma programs would earn Rs 15,000 a year, while those enrolled in engineering programs would receive Rs 30,000 a year.

According to him, 800 students have signed up for the Manki Munda Scholarship program, while over 1,200 students have also registered for the Guruji Student Credit Card program. In a symbolic gesture, the chief minister gave two kids from each plan credit cards and scholarships at the ceremony.

In order to realize the goal of a developed Jharkhand, Soren emphasized the need for higher education for the offspring of laborers and farmers. The chief minister also brought up the Mukhyamantri Shiksha Protsahan Yojna, a program that gives students a monthly stipend of Rs 2,500.

This stipend is meant to help with living costs while coaching, so that money worries don’t get in the way of learning. Soren emphasized the value of education, saying that without it, it is impossible to achieve progress at the family, society, and state levels.

“Development in the family, society, and state is not possible without education,” the speaker said. The chief minister reaffirmed the government’s commitment to fostering innovation and education in the state by inaugurating a brand-new 3D theater at the regional scientific center in Ranchi.

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