JNU Violence: ABVP and Left-backed organizations argue over the composition of the poll committee

On Thursday night, there was a fight at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) between the ABVP and Left-leaning student organizations over who would be on the election committee for the School of Languages. Several students were hurt in the altercation. The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad JNU said that they will defend students’ rights and attributed the assault on students on the Left unions.

“ABVP JNU will always defend students’ rights and denounces this vicious assault on students. LEFTIST GOONS viciously assaulted Common Students who came to SL School GBM at School of Languages with sharp weapons. only because they want an equitable opportunity to take part in and cast a ballot in the school GBM. ABVP JNU said on X, “Some students suffered serious injury.

“There have been at least six injuries. They (AISA) initiated the fight, and we have filed the complaint. The chosen videos are now available. We were ambushed by these communists from behind, and we were unable to capture the incident on camera at the time. All of them were slamming into us. We fought them in self-defense since the security personnel had failed to arrive to assist us. The problem arose from doubting the EC process, the president of the ABVP, Umesh Chandra, told reporters on Friday.

On the other hand, the left-wing students said that the ABVP student wing was stirring up trouble and interfering with the election committee’s selection procedure.

“There was further violence by ABVP thugs on the last day of the GBM at the School of Languages. When JNU students stopped the ABVP from furthering their first effort to sabotage the election committee selection process, the group resorted to physical violence on students. According to the AISA, “ABVP goons were observed brandishing rods and arbitrarily beating and pursuing regular students.”

“These lumpens continued to interfere with the GBM process throughout the whole day. They targeted Muslim students specifically and objected to any Muslim student putting forth their name for the next election committee. Additionally, they degraded the environment on the school’s grounds by using derogatory language and threatening kids, according to AISA.

The left-wing students further claimed that the ABVP thugs had pursued and physically assaulted a senior AISA activist and two senior Ph.D. students.

“There were other violent incidents yesterday in addition to this one. Multiple cameras clearly show the misbehavior of another lumpen who harassed pupils for singing the national anthem, they said. He also misbehaved with security personnel at the GBM grounds.

The JNU community, according to the student union, has to rise up against this violence and the politics of intimidation.

“The VC office has to take notice of this violent and vandal conduct by the ABVP thugs, whose faces are plainly apparent in the films that are making the rounds online. For committing such unprecedented acts of violence, these offenders need to face consequences and be charged under the appropriate laws, they said.

The Delhi Police, meantime, said that they had official complaints about the issue from both parties. “Complaints have come in from both sides. We are investigating the complaints. Three injuries have been reported to the police,” the Delhi Police said.

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