JNVST 2024: Admission to Class 6 Registration Deadline Extended to August 25

The Jawaharlal Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST) registration deadline has been extended by the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) to August 25. Through the official website of NVS,, interested and qualified students have the chance to complete the admission form for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya 2024–25 to reserve a seat in class 6 for the forthcoming academic session.

According to the announcement on the official website, “The last date for submission of online application forms for JNVST-2024 has been further extended up to 25.08.2023.”

Additionally, according to Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, the opportunity for amending JNVST 2024 applications would be open for two days after the registration cutoff. Students may change fields like gender, category, location, handicap, and exam medium during this time.JNVST 2024: REQUIRED DOCUMENTS

Before beginning to fill out the application in JPG format only, applicants are urged to have the following scanned copies on hand, according to the official website.

Signature of the candidate. (The signature’s file size should range from 10 to 100 kb.)

— Signed by the parent. (The parent’s signature should be 10 to 100 kilobytes in size.)

— A picture of the candidate. (The size of the image should range from 10 to 100 kb.)

— Certificate that has been attested to by the headmaster and signed by the candidate and parent. (The size of the image should range between 50 to 300 kb.)

— Parent’s residence certificate issued by a qualified government agency solely in the event that the applicant lacks an Aadhaar number.How to Apply for JNVST 2024

Go to the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti’s official website at as your first step.

Step 2: Find and click the “NVS class VI registration” link on the webpage.

Step 3: A new window will open, requiring students to log in by entering the required information.

Step 4: After completing the registration process, complete the JNVST application for class 6.

Step 5: Pay the registration costs and confirm the accuracy of all the information.

Step 6: Complete and submit the application form to continue with the admission process.

The NVS will announce the examination date later. The Jawaharlal Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test will last two hours, according to previous experience. There will be 80 questions in the test, for a total of 100 points.


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