Kerala Chief Minister Vijayan attacks VD Satheesan for his ludicrous outbursts and foul language

Opposition leader VD Satheesan was criticized by Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Thursday for his ludicrous outbursts and unfounded accusations made against him. “The man seems to have lost his sanity,” Mr. Vijayan added, launching a vicious assault on Satheesan.

He is unable to recognize the Nava Kerala Sadas program’s accomplishments. He is making unfounded accusations and turning to petty politics. He was responding to Mr. Satheesan’s criticism of the Chief Minister on Wednesday, which said that Pinarayi Vijayan was still the same criminal he always was. “Abusive language and personal attacks directed against me won’t stop the program’s progress. By seven in the morning, people arrive at the locations to speak with the Cabinet directly about their issues.

Speaking of the state government’s outreach initiative, Nava Kerala Sadas, Mr. Vijayan informed media representatives in Wayanad that participants “leave the venue feeling gratified.” Mr. Vijayan said that a campaign of defamation against him had been approved by the Congress leadership. The vocabulary and tone used by VD Satheesan have deteriorated. Is the head of the opposition acting on his own initiative, or is he being given incorrect advice? Mr. Vijayan enquired. “The implication didn’t really affect me because my father was a decent and loving man when I was born,” he said. Opposition leader V D Satheesan attacked Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan harshly on Wednesday, calling him a criminal.

“He has a criminal record. Mr. Satheesan said, “His old traits are still with him,” perhaps alluding to Mr. Vijayan’s alleged prior participation in incidents of political violence. In reaction to CM Vijayan’s comments about an assault by DYFI workers on the Youth Congress activists who waved black flags at him in Kannur, Mr. Satheesan specifically criticized the latter. Mr. Vijayan described the assault on Youth Congress members as a prime example of DYFI’s rescue efforts the other day.

On Thursday, Mr. Vijayan restated his previous position and supported the actions of Kannur-based DYFI activists who got into a brawl with Youth Congress workers. You see, I oppose all forms of violence. I believe the specific instance of DYFI personnel saving the lives of Youth Congress protestors was a true miracle. If not, the bus would have struck them,” he said. Meanwhile, Mr. Satheesan said to reporters in Kozhikode on Thursday that he was forced to speak sharply due to Mr. Vijayan’s barefaced defense of DYFI members “who unleashed wanton violence on Youth Congress black flag demonstrators in Kannur on Tuesday.”


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