Madhya Pradesh nursing college “scam”: CBI fires inspector who was detained after accepting bribe

Officials stated on Wednesday that the CBI has terminated the services of Inspector Rahul Raj, who had been nabbed by the agency for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 10 lakh from the chairman of a nursing college in Madhya Pradesh.

Raj was fired by the agency in accordance with its “zero tolerance towards corruption” policy and Article 311 of the Constitution, which permits the termination of government workers’ employment, they claimed.

Ashish Prasad, the deputy superintendent of police, has also been assigned by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to the headquarters. The FIR for the case included his name.

Soon, the state police will get Sushil Kumar Majoka and Rishi Kant Asathe, who were both attached to the CBI from the Madhya Pradesh Police.

An official said that Raj was apprehended “red-handed” on Sunday while purportedly taking an illicit payment of Rs 10 lakh from Anil Bhaskaran, the head of Malay College of Nursing, and his spouse Suma Anil. The pair has also been taken into custody.

According to the authorities, the CBI has detained 13 persons, including Raj, for providing nursing institutions in Madhya Pradesh with positive inspection reports in return for bribes paid via conduits.

The investigation was started when the CBI’s internal vigilance section learned of allegations of corruption involving its officials in teams that were formed under the Madhya Pradesh High Court’s directions.

Under the directives of the high court, inspections throughout the state were to be carried out to see if nursing institutions were adhering to established guidelines and meeting requirements for faculty and infrastructure.

In accordance with the high court’s orders, the CBI formed seven core teams and three to four support teams made up of agency personnel, patwaris, and individuals recommended by state nursing schools to carry out the inspections, the agency said in a statement today.

A CBI spokeswoman said, “A case filed by the CBI reinforces its zero-tolerance policy towards corruption and shows that the CBI does not spare its own officials if found deviating from core values of the organization.”

According to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), in its investigation into the Madhya Pradesh nursing college scandal, its personnel were reportedly receiving between Rs 2 and Rs 10 lakh from each facility in exchange for favorable findings after inspection.

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