Mumbai Teen Kills Himself After Cyber Fraud Costs Him Rs. 2 Lakh

An 18-year-old student committed himself in a Nalasopara, Mumbai, incident after a cyber scam that cost his family Rs 2 lakh in savings. The teenager, a student in Class 11, was tricked by a dishonest internet scammer, which led to a series of events that ended with his death.

On Wednesday, the adolescent unintentionally clicked on a fake link while using his mother’s smartphone to play online games. Due to this error, his father’s bank account was debited of Rs 2 lakh, causing an instant financial loss. The teenager went into a panic attack after realizing his mistake.

Officials claim that the adolescent clicked on a fraudulent SMS that led to the unauthorized transaction. A text message about the withdrawal was used to corroborate the loss, but the adolescent decided not to tell his family about the occurrence, according to a TOI article.

The teenager swallowed the pesticide because he was so afraid of his parents and felt uneasy around them. His health worsened quickly, to the point that his mother transported him to a local hospital, where he passed away while receiving treatment.

The teenager’s smartphone has been confiscated for further investigation by the police, who are now looking into the event as a possible cyber fraud case.

The hospital administration first reported the event to the Achole police station. The victim’s home, where he resided with his parents, is now closer to the Pelhar police station, where the case has been moved due to jurisdictional issues.

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