‘One Million’ Non-Immigrant Visa Processing Goal Achieved, According to US Embassy in India

The US embassy in India announced on Thursday that it has exceeded its target of processing one million nonimmigrant visa applications in 2023. According to the mission, it has handled more cases than it did in all of 2022 and is now handling about 20% more applications than it did in pre-pandemic 2019.

One of the most vital bilateral ties between the United States and India, and one of the most vital worldwide, is our collaboration. The bonds between our people are closer than ever, and in the upcoming months, we will continue to process a record number of visas to allow as many Indian applicants as possible to visit the US and personally experience the friendship between the US and India, according to US Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti.

One of the most active travel partnerships in the world, nearly 1.2 million Indians traveled to the US last year. The US embassy reports that Indians now make up more than 10% of all visa applications globally, including 20% of all applicants for student visas and 65% of all applicants for H&L-category (employment) visas.

The embassy said that despite the increasing demand for its visas, the United States continues to make significant investments in its operations in India. “The Mission increased its manpower during the last year to enable the processing of more visas than ever before. The US mission has opened a new consulate facility in Hyderabad and made major capital enhancements to existing facilities including the US Consulate in Chennai, according to the statement.

The US mission said that in addition to these tactics, it has also expanded the types of visas that are eligible for interview waivers and used remote work to enable staff members from all around the globe to participate to the processing of Indian visas. The Mission intends to launch a trial scheme early in the next year that would let qualifying H&L-category employment visa applicants to renew their domestic visas.

The United States and India have a “close and enduring” alliance, as stated in a recent joint statement. The embassy added that the improved visa processing is only one illustration of the U.S. Mission in India’s continuous commitment to advancing that alliance.


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