Panels established to prevent unauthorized building in state, TN government informs HC

On Monday, the state government notified the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court that the municipal administration department had issued an order on March 1st, establishing high-level monitoring committees in all districts (apart from Chennai) with the responsibility of keeping an eye on and demolishing unauthorized constructions. The GO was approved in response to many directives given by the Madurai Bench of the High Court on a number of petitions requesting action against unauthorized structures in different districts within its purview.

During the previous sessions, the court had voiced concerns with three types of unapproved constructions: those constructed on government-owned poramboke lands, those built on patta grounds, and those that illegally converted residential structures into commercial spaces. The court had noted that these inconsistencies could not occur without the knowledge of local authorities.

The court was criticized for its lack of action, stating that “the courts are flooded with petitions seeking removal of unauthorized constructions.” The additional advocate general was informed that the government needed to establish high-level committees led by commissioners in each corporation and municipality to oversee and address the issue.

Consequently, on March 1, the municipal administration and water supply department passed a go-ahead (GO) creating high-level monitoring committees in every district of the state (apart from Chennai, which has one already). The members of these committees will be the executive officer of town panchayats or the commissioner of the relevant municipal corporation or municipality, with the district collectors serving as chairpersons and members as convenors.

The regional director of municipal administration, revenue divisional officer, deputy director of town and country planning, commissioner or superintendent of police, and others would be additional committee members. The GO also said that an independent officer from the tax department’s deputy collector cadre will also be selected as a member of the aforementioned committee.

The committees would create a plan of action to get rid of, keep an eye on, and stop unauthorized building under their purview. The GO also said that the committees will meet once a month and provide the government with reports on a regular basis. A panel of justices D Krishnakumar and P Dhanabal noted this and postponed the group of cases to Wednesday.

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