Partymen were brought up on tenuous grounds, alone

Sajad Gani Lone, the head of the Peoples Conference, said today that the government was using “other flimsy pretexts” in addition to detaining and harassing political workers on overground worker property. He made a plea to the Election Commission and the government to respect the election process’s fairness and impartiality and to refrain from singling out certain political parties and their employees for criticism.

“I wholeheartedly agree with Bukhari that workers are being picked up and locked up on OGW grounds and other flimsy pretexts,” Lone stated, supporting Apni Party president Altaf Bukhari’s claim that party members had been detained. Lone said, “Incidentally, all these OGW lists were prepared during NC regimes.”

Lone pleaded with the EC to guarantee fairness for all political organizations.

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