PM Modi predicts that the auto, pharmaceutical, and tourist industries would expand quickly

On Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the Indian economy was on a path of fast development, which has resulted in the creation of significant chances for young employment.

The prime minister said, while speaking at a Rozgar Mela where he gave out over 51,000 appointment letters to young people, largely in the security services, that the auto, pharmaceutical, tourist, and food processing industries were anticipated to expand quickly and provide job chances for young people.

According to him, the economy is estimated to get a contribution of Rs 20 lakh crore from the tourism industry alone by 2030, with the potential to provide 13 to 14 crore new employment.

The prime minister predicted that India will join the top three economies in the world this decade and benefit the average person.

Every industry must grow. anything from startups to drugs to food. The economy would expand after every industry makes improvement, he said.

The prime minister used the pharmaceutical business as an example, noting that by 2030, it is anticipated to rise to a value of Rs. 10 lakh crore from its current value of Rs. 4 lakh crore.

Why does it matter? In this decade, the pharmaceutical business will need a large number of young people. There will be job chances, according to Modi.

He said that the motor industry was also expanding and needed young people to drive it forward.

The prime minister said that there will be plenty of job prospects.

He used Uttar Pradesh as an example, claiming that the state’s effective administration helped to build the rule of law, which in turn attracted a lot of investment.

The formation of the rule of law, according to him, “speeds up development, instills confidence in the people, and attracts investments in an atmosphere of security.”

However, according to Modi, states with higher crime rates see fewer investments and fewer job possibilities.


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