Punjab’s government will purchase a private thermal power facility

According to Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) administration would soon finish the process to acquire a private thermal plant in the state to increase its coal-based electricity output, in contrast to the previous state governments who sold government facilities to raise money.

“Conveying happy news to Punjabis…The Punjab government is investing in a commercial thermal power facility…information coming soon,” Mann said in a Punjabi tweet.

The CM said that the state government has submitted a bid for the purchase of a private power plant and that the process would be finished very soon. He said that by increasing the state’s power generation, this would assist create a power surplus.

According to Mann, the Lehra Mohabbat and Ropar state-owned thermal plants now generate 1760 Mega Watts (MW) of electricity, but with the addition of this commercial power plant, that capacity will increase by 540 MW.

According to the CM, the state now has excess coal that can be utilised to efficiently operate these thermal plants as the supply of coal from the Pachwara coal mine has resumed. He said that the Punjab government had submitted a proposal to buy a private thermal power plant for the first time in the state’s history, while preceding administrations have sold similar facilities.

According to Mann, this is exceptional since the state government has only begun this reversal pattern of purchasing a private facility. He said that the state has a enough supply and storage of coal to operate these units effectively.

Even during the busiest paddy season, according to Mann, the state administration continues to provide consistent, continuous electricity to all sectors. He said that there is no lack of electricity in the state and that the state administration has already taken comprehensive preparations in this respect.

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