Rahul Gandhi: 73% of the marginalized people is ignored

Rahul Gandhi, the head of the Congress, said on Sunday that 73% of the nation’s population, who are members of marginalized social groups, are being ignored by the Narendra Modi administration at the federal level.

Speaking at the RJD-organized “Jan Vishwas Rally” in this city, Gandhi said that “one party” was attempting to incite animosity among people but that “we are offering ‘nafrat ke bazaar main mohabbat’ (love in the market of hatred)”. This was presumably a jab at the BJP.

He said that the nation’s farmers, young people, and oppressed people are all receiving unfair treatment. Gandhi said, “The Center is neglecting 73% of the population that belongs to marginalized sections of the society.”

The Congress politician said that the Agnipath recruiting plan was against the country’s youth, citing demonstrations in Bihar during its implementation.

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