Rahul Gandhi says, “The reason behind the security breach in Parliament is…” The BJP responds

In a new attack on the Bharatiya Janata Party-led central government over the security breach in Parliament on Saturday, Congressman Rahul Gandhi said that unemployment and inflation were to blame.

“There was a security breach in the Lok Sabha. Rahul Gandhi told reporters that PM Modi’s policies are to blame for the inflation and unemployment that have resulted from this.

“Where are the employment opportunities? The kids need work; we need to address this problem and offer them hope. He then said on social network X, “There has undoubtedly been a security lapse, but the biggest issue facing the nation is unemployment.”

The jobs are where? The kids need work; we need to address this problem and offer them hope. There has undoubtedly been a security breach, but unemployment—the nation’s largest problem—is to blame!
Amit Malviya, the chairman of the BJP’s IT unit, responded by writing, “Rahul Gandhi never disappoints; always talks trash.” For the record, India’s jobless rate is 3.2%, the lowest it has been in six years.

Rather, Rahul Gandhi and the leaders of the I.N.D.I Alliance needs to clarify how the individuals implicated in the Parliament breach were closely connected to the Congress, TMC, and CPI(M). Malviya said, “Rahul Gandhi in particular has to explain his relationship to Asim Sarode, who participated in the Bharat Jodo Yatra and has pledged to provide the invaders legal assistance.

Senior Congressman KC Venugopal had earlier said that Delhi Police, who had first classified the event as a terror attack, were the ones who politicized it rather than the opposition members.

The Congress leader described the December 13 security breach as a terror assault while speaking at a press conference at the AICC headquarters in the nation’s capital. Delhi Police, which is under the direction of Union Home Minister Amit Shah, is responsible for this force.

“The security breach in parliament was deemed a terror assault by the Delhi Police. Doesn’t it fall within the Union Home Minister’s purview? Neither did we (the members of the opposition) politicize the event or label it a terror attack. At the press conference, Venugopal said, “We just raised our concerns about the obvious security breakdown on the part of the administration.

“You [Centre] people told us that this (new Parliament) building would be the safest place in the world,” the Congress national general secretary questioned the suspension of 13 Congress MPs from the Parliament due to misbehavior. And it was due to inadequate security that what transpired the other day. Members of the opposition are facing consequences for speaking out against the administration. Why were the 14 (Opposition) Members of Parliament suspended?

House Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar banned Derek O’Brien, a Rajya Sabha MP for the Trinamool Congress, for the duration of the current Winter Session in addition to 13 other Congress MPs.

Kanimozhi Karunanidhi, a DMK MP, sought a response from the Centre, characterizing the occurrence as a “serious” security breach.

“Two men broke into the Parliament while two others were demonstrating outside,” the DMK MP said. The event demonstrated that nobody is safe, not even members of Parliament, and that democracy is a temple that might be assailed at any time. There was a clear security breach that led to the event. This is something we must comprehend. Rather than carrying smoke cans, they may have carried weapons or explosives. It demonstrated how anybody might get past the security measures in the new Parliament building. There is not adequate protection for the members.”

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