Ramesh Attacks the Government For How It Has Handled The Cheetah Reintroduction Program

Jairam Ramesh, a former environment minister, criticized the government on Sunday for how it handled the Cheetah reintroduction initiative, stating that “we may not have witnessed the current tragedy” if science rather than vanity had been prioritized in the project.

Eight cheetahs have passed away in the Kuno National Park (KNP) in Madhya Pradesh since March of this year. Suraj, a male cheetah that was translocated from Africa, died there earlier this month.

Ramesh, the general secretary of the Congress, uploaded a news article on Twitter that purported to show that the Indian wildlife authorities had issued a gag order to “all concerned associated” with the cheetah introduction project.

A renowned molecular scientist is Stephen J. O’ Brien. Additionally, he is a devoted environmentalist who utilizes genetics to save endangered species. I had spent a lot of time with him in 2009 to learn about the cheetah’s genetic background. Ramesh tweeted that reading his book was intriguing.

We may not have seen the present disaster, he continued, “if only science had been put at the forefront of the Cheetah reintroduction project in India rather than vanity and showmanship.” Ramesh said that the Modi administration is really working putting scientists and forest authorities under gag orders.

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