Residents in Puducherry are advised to use air conditioners above 25 degrees Celsius

To assist control the rising demand for electricity across the Union Territory, the Puducherry Electricity Department has advised all customers to run their air conditioners at 26 degrees Celsius or higher.

Superintending Engineer T Chanemougam underlined in a statement the areas of Puducherry, Karaikal, Mahe, and Yanam that are enduring heatwaves, which is causing a notable increase in air conditioning systems in residences, stores, workplaces, and commercial buildings. The electrical department is under pressure from this circumstance, which has resulted in low voltage problems in many locations. As a consequence, the Union Territory has frequent power outages.

Lowering the thermostat than 26 degrees Celsius causes an unusual increase in power use and an increase in electricity costs.

The Indian government’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) claims that maintaining a 26-degree temperature may result in up to 6% energy savings. Additionally, the agency has asked large retailers and business spaces to lower the amount of air conditioning they use from 6 p.m. to 12 a.m. on evenings when traffic is at its highest.

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