Six sites in Tihar prison will have fifteen phone jammers installed

According to authorities on Tuesday, the biggest prison in Asia, Tihar, is now installing 15 jammers at six new places to stop the convicts from using cell phones inside the institution. A mobile phone jammer is a gadget that prevents signals from being sent between cell phones and base towers.

The initiative, which has an estimated cost of Rs 11.5 crore, according to the authorities, would assist in jamming the signals of all types of phones with 2G, 3G, and 4G networks.

These 15 jammers will be added to the three Towers of Harmonious Call Blocking devices that are now in place, according to a top Tihar Jail official. These systems use technology that cuts off calls as soon as they start. The officer said, “We have 15 new static towers of jammers that work in noise technology to prevent inmates from using phones in the prisons.”

The officer said that the installation process started two months ago and is anticipated to be finished this month.

Sanjay Baniwal, Director General of Tihar, verified the information. According to an additional officer, six of the nine jails in Tihar are high security facilities where these jammers are being put. There are now 19,000 prisoners in Delhi, compared to the 10,000 available in the prisons at Tihar, Mandoli, and Rohini.

According to authorities, despite many levels of screening at Tihar’s entrance points, convicts are often seen using cell phones.

It has also been discovered in recent years that convicted criminals are using their cells to make video calls and post footage of themselves on social media.

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