The child was cleared of a robbery conviction after two years

A minor was cleared by a municipal court of robbery allegations after the prosecution was unable to provide sufficient evidence.

On November 25, 2022, at the Sector 39 police station, a case was opened in response to a complaint by a person named Akash under Sections 341, 392, 397, and 411 read with Section 34 of the IPC. He had claimed that on November 24, in the evening, four teenagers stole his phone from him while he was strolling along the Sector 55/56/39/40 roundabout’s slip lane in the direction of the Sector 56 gas pump. The suspects began beating him up as soon as he raised the alarm. They used knives to assault his head and left thigh. The young person was arrested by the police during their inquiry.

The adolescent was found not guilty after the prosecution and defense attorneys presented their cases. The judge noted that the complainant had not provided the youngster’s identity and had refuted the claim that the boy was going with the other accused.

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