The Editor Guild’s Request for Protection from Coercive Action in FIRs Filed in Manipur is Heard by the SC

The Editors Guild of India requested protection from coercive action in two FIRs that were filed in Manipur against some of its members, and the Supreme Court decided to hear the case throughout the day on Wednesday. Before a bench led by Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud, the case was raised for urgent listing.

Senior attorney Shyam Divan brought up the issue on behalf of the Guild, and the CJI said, “We will take it up after admission (matters) are over.” According to Divan, two FIRs have been filed in Manipur against Guild members, who are requesting protection from coercive action in these instances.

The Editors Guild of India president and three other members were named in a police complaint against them on September 4, according to Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh, who also accused them of attempting to “provoke clashes” in the state. The four Guild members were also the subject of a second FIR that included a defamation allegation.

In a report released on Saturday, The Guild criticized the state’s internet censorship as harmful to media reporting, criticized what it called biased reporting by some media outlets, and asserted that there were signs that the state leadership “had turned partisan” during the conflict.


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