The Supreme Court expresses concern about the delay in appointing judges to high courts in “70 Collegium Resolutions Pending”

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court voiced its displeasure about the holdup in the appointment of justices to several High Courts. The inability of the Central Government to implement various collegium recommendations for the appointment and transfer of judges to the High Court, including the appointment of the Chief Justice of a delicate High Court, has once again attracted the notice of the Supreme Court.

A bench led by Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul expressed concern to Attorney General of India R Venkataramani by noting that the Union Government had not yet acted on the 70 collegium recommendations provided by the Supreme Court Collegium as of November 11, 2022.

The Attorney General was instructed to seek guidance from the Central Government on the matter after Justice Kaul noted that nothing had occurred in the seven months since the court’s last hearing of the plea.

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