There are signs reading “boycott election” on the walls across Delhi University

When police discovered some anti-election inscriptions scrawled on walls in several locations around Delhi University on Thursday, they opened two separate investigations against unidentified individuals.


Bhagat Singh Chhatra Ekta Manch (BSCEM) claimed ownership of the walls that bore phrases like “Ek hi raasta Naxalbari.”

Deputy Commissioner of Police (North), MK Meena, said that on Thursday morning while on patrol, a few slogans painted near Delhi University were seen by the police officers, who subsequently informed their superiors.

The DCP said, “As a result, two FIRs under the Defacement Act have been registered and investigations have been undertaken.” “Boycott elections, and join the new democratic revolution,” was one of the purported slogans. These images of the phrases were even shared on the official BSCEM youth organization’s Instagram page.

“We must keep in mind Mao Zedong’s idea that the unified front is one of the magic weapons for making a revolution succeed under the fascist attack. In Marxism, the United Front is a wide unified forum of many classes based on a minimally shared platform. The potential for such unification is quite high in a nation like India that is headed toward a democratic revolution, according to the caption of images posted to BSCEM’s Instagram account.

They went on to say that achieving unity might be predicated on anything from a revolutionary objective to a democratic societal reform. “The nation is currently a boiling pot as an increasing number of social forces enter the conflict arena,” it said.

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