This summit is groundbreaking in a number of ways. On the G20 Summit, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov

Russia welcomed the G20 Summit, which was presided over by India, as a key turning point in various areas on Sunday. The summit’s conclusions not only outlined a strategy for resolving many global issues, but also emphasized the importance and power of the Global South.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed India’s critical role in stopping Western countries from advancing their strategies on a number of topics, including the situation in Ukraine, at a news conference.

The notion that armed conflict resolution must adhere to the UN Charter’s values was clearly communicated in the summit statement. It also suggested that Western countries would not be able to forward the remedies they had put up for different situations.

In many respects, this gathering is groundbreaking. It gives us a path forward to advance in many areas, he said.

Lavrov said that the G20 Summit in New Delhi charted a route for advancing equity in world politics and finance.

He said that the West will be unable to maintain hegemony as we witness new centers of power emerge in the globe. “I want to express my gratitude to India for thwarting attempts to politicize the G20,” he remarked.

Regarding the difficulties brought on by climate change, the Russian Foreign Minister emphasized that Western powers have fallen short of their promise to provide poor countries USD 100 billion yearly to address the effects of climate change.

Sergey Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, comments on the unanimity over the New Delhi G20 Leaders’ Summit Declaration, saying, “Perhaps it was the voice of their conscience when they agreed to that. To be honest, we didn’t anticipate that…Let me emphasize that we cannot separate the work on the declaration’s other sections from the one on Ukraine and Russia. The Global South’s awakening and the consolidation of the Global South that is really eager for the G20 to work toward its primary aims are the key topics of the proclamation this year.


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