Three Are Being Held for the Robbery Death of Mason in Delhi’s Amar Colony

According to police, three guys were detained on Tuesday after they are accused of murdering a mason in southeast Delhi’s Amar Colony when the man refused to be robbed by them.

According to them, the suspects are Sri Niwas Puri residents Raja (26), Rahul (30), and Love Kush (25), who lives close to Samudayik Bhawan Jhuggi.

On June 27, police were informed that Birender, a resident of Sri Niwas Puri, had been stabbed and had been taken to Safdarjung Hospital. He died while receiving treatment, according to a senior police officer.

Police investigated and examined numerous CCTV recordings. Later, according to Deputy Commissioner of Police (Southeast) Rajesh Deo, police tracked down the three suspects who had stabbed the victim and apprehended them.

Raja worked as a housekeeper, Kush once worked at a clothing store in Lajpat Nagar, and Rahul was an auto-rickshaw driver, according to the results of the interrogation. Police said that they were, nevertheless, unemployed today.

They said that the victim, a mason, was returning home after working a double shift.

The three accused said that they intended to rob someone in the area of Sri Niwas Puri’s Cambridge School in order to support their drug and alcohol addictions.

Rahul and Love Kush grabbed the victim from behind and tried to rob him of his bag. The victim avoided being robbed because he was on guard. Raja then stabbed him in the abdomen as a result of the trio’s outrage, according to the police.

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