Two new Himalayan peaks were discovered by Acharya Balkrishna, who gave them the names of Lord Shiva’s emblems

Acharya Balkrishna of the Patanjali Yog Peeth discovered two new peaks while touring the Himalayan mountains in Uttrakhand and gave them the names of Lord Shiva’s emblems.

When the Acharya arrived to Himshikhar (snow peak), which is located between Srikanth Parvat and Harshil Horn Peak-2 at a height of around 17500 feet, his delight was beyond words. When he noticed a peak with a conical form that resembled Kailash Parvat and was shaped like the letter “Om” when seen from the top, he gave it the name “Kailash Shikhar.”

The team of mountaineers headed by Acharya BalKrishna in collaboration with the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, Uttarkashi, gave the name to the Himalaya’s unnamed captivating peaks for the first time.

The NIMS principal Colonel Anshuman Bhadauria, Patanjali’s crew, and Acharya made the decision to climb the Himalayan mountains in two groups. “Three peaks were visible as we ascended the summit. A little farther down, a mountain that resembled Mount Kailash and another peak that resembled Shiva’s bull, Nandi, were both visible. On the right is Srikhand mountain, which has previously been scaled. Thus, according to Patanjali group member Dr. Rajesh Mishra, the two unidentified, unclimbed peaks were given names.

According to Acharya Balkrishna, “This feat will prove to be a milestone in establishing Uttarakhand’s Devbhoomi and Dev culture as global phenomena and it will open up a new path for the awakening of the people’s spiritual consciousness.” Our group was walking when the snow mountain in the form of Nandi and Kailash emerged at a height of 16500 feet and 17500 feet, respectively.

Along with Acharya Bal Krishna from Patanjali, the climbing team also included Dr. Rajesh Mishra, Dr. Bhaskar Joshi, Suraj, and Lokesh Panwar. Colonel Bhadauria, Saurav Rautela, Girish Rankoti, Ravindra Singh, Govind Ram, and Anoop Panwar hiked on behalf of the Nehru Mountaineering Institute (NIMS).


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