When the mercury hits 44°C in Ludhiana, the IMD issues a yellow notice

Ludhiana is still experiencing a heat wave, and the Meteorological Centre in Chandigarh has issued a yellow heat wave advisory for the city for Friday. Over the next several days, temperatures are predicted to soar to 43–44°C.

The Department of Climate Change and Agricultural Meteorology at Punjab Agricultural University reports that the city’s highest temperature today was 43.2°C. Today’s lowest recorded temperature was 26.8°C.

According to PAU’s forecast, Ludhiana will continue to have some cloud cover during the next 24 hours. The temperature is predicted to rise even more in the current high heat, making it difficult for anybody to leave the house, much less schoolchildren.

“The kids find it extremely difficult to go to school because they participate in outdoor activities there, and the heat is getting unbearable.” It is not feasible to withstand the intense heat, therefore vacations and outdoor activities should be postponed, according to Mamta, a mother of a five-year-old student.

An agricultural specialist expressed worry that the intense heat might have an impact on the subsurface water table and further deplete it, which could result in a scarcity of water for irrigating summer crops.

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