Workers from the Congress and BJP scuffle in the Rau assembly seat of Indore

Police in Indore’s Rau assembly seat reported that a brawl broke out between BJP and Congress activists on Thursday night, ahead of the state’s assembly election.

On Thursday night, there was a fight between Jitu Patwari’s followers in the Congress and Madhu Verma’s in the BJP. To break up the gathering, the cops had to use force.

A fight broke out between the two groups on November 16. In this respect, a report was turned in at the police station. Additional DCP, Zone 4, Abhinay Vishwakarma said, “A guy called Rohit Patwari has sustained injuries to his head, and another person, Pushpendra Chauhan, has also sustained injuries.

The disagreement started because of a claim that one side gave voters blankets and alcohol. The policeman said, “We’ll investigate and take the appropriate measures.

Following the argument, both sides went to the police station, when there was another altercation and the police had to use force to disperse the throng, according to the police.


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