The FIFA Women’s World Cup, Luis Rubiales, Jenni Hermoso, and the Battle for Human Decency in 2023’s Yearender

The Spanish women’s football team made history in 2023 when they defeated England in the summit match thanks to a single goal from Olga Carmona and won their first-ever FIFA Women’s World Cup.

The celebrations that followed were meant to mark a significant milestone for the country, which has a long history of sports. However, team star Jenni Hermoso’s lips were kissed by then-football association president Luis Rubiales, which started a series of events that changed the landscape of women’s football and caused a flurry of emotions.

Before the prize ceremony could proceed, Rubiales drew Hermoso towards him and shockingly kissed Hermoso on the lips.

Rubiales, who was sitting in the VIP area with Princess Sofia, 16, and Queen Letizia of Spain, celebrated by grabbing his buttocks.

Hermoso expressed her displeasure with the chief’s conduct while the national players’ union demanded a thorough investigation into the event, sparking a turbulent and contentious moment in Spanish football history.

Many members of the Spanish national team had repeatedly said in the month before the competition that they would not wear the Spanish flag unless significant administrative improvements had been achieved.

Rubiales subsequently issued an apology the next day, having first called his opponents as morons for justifying his acts as a fit of piqued emotions.

“It was done in a state of utmost enthusiasm and without any malicious intent. While we saw it as natural and regular inside, it has created a ruckus outside, according to Rubiales.

“I must apologize and take this as a lesson,” I said. should use more caution while representing the organization,” he said.

The football community as a whole, offended by the occurrence, organized rallies against the 46-year-old and demanded that the president be removed from office.

Rubiales’s mother organized a strike on the other side of the spectrum to show solidarity for her son as he locked herself up in the neighborhood church.

As the movement gained national traction, athletes like Alexia Putellas and supporters rallied behind Hermoso. Pedro Sanchez, Spain’s acting prime minister, said, “I think the apology Mr. Rubiales has given wasn’t sufficient, I’d say it wasn’t adequate, and Mr. Rubiales should keep taking further steps.”

She went on to say, “The RFEF isn’t a part of the Spanish government,” separating the football association from the royal family.

“My union FUTPRO, in coordination with my agency TMJ, are taking care of defending my interests and have taken over as my interlocutors on this matter,” Hermoso said, demanding that action be made in the midst of the boiling scandal.

“We are working to make sure that behaviors like the ones we have witnessed are never tolerated, that they are penalized, and that best practices are implemented to shield female football players from actions that we find intolerable.”

FIFA, the international football organization, launched an investigation into the event that embarrassed the game.

FIFA said that Rubiales’s actions had brought FIFA and the game of football into disgrace and that the president had transgressed fundamental norms of decency.

He refused to resign from his position despite the strong demands for Rubiales’ registration, claiming that doing so would suggest that his acts were in fact abhorrent.

“I refuse to step down, I refuse to step down. There is a social assassination going on. I’m willing to suffer in order to uphold my principles. He said again, “I don’t deserve this manhunt I’ve been going through.

The champion Spanish squad made a historic move by declaring that they would not play for the club if Rubiales continued to be the manager. The whole 23-person winning team

FIFA then decided to temporarily ban Rubiales for ninety days and mandated that he refrain from communicating with Hermoso while the matter was being looked into. As Spanish authorities launched an investigation into the event on the basis of sexual assault for forcing Hermoso to kiss him, things became even more heated.

With the Spanish government providing extensive documentation to the sports tribunal to aid in the inquiry, RFEF requested that UEFA stop it due to influence from the government. Despite denouncing the chief’s conduct, Rubiales’ assistant and coach of the Spanish women’s team, who guided the squad to the championship, was fired.

Rubiales was fired from his job in an attempt to highlight the seriousness of the incident as the Spanish football community and its global fan base continue to battle the moral lapses that afflict the game in this historic year for the European country, while one of the most abhorrent sagas in women’s football came to an end.

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