“The Real Story Will Surface”: Simona Halep Awaits CAS Decision Following Her Controversial Doping Prohibition

Simona Halep, the two-time Grand Slam tennis winner, departed the highest court of sport on Friday without knowing when she would get word on her appeal against a four-year doping sentence.

The former world number one was in front of three judges for almost three full days at the hearing at the Court Arbitration for Sport, and they are now deliberating over their decision.

The court said in a statement that “no specific date was announced with respect to the notification of the final decision.” It usually takes a few weeks or more to reach a verdict.

Alongside her American attorney Howard Jacobs, Halep—who will be 35 before the ban under appeal ends in October 2026—left the courtroom.

The Romanian celebrity said, “Well, it was a long hearing and what I can say is that I had the chance to show my defense.” “I firmly think that the truth will be revealed.”

Halep was suspended by the International Tennis Integrity Agency last year after testing positive for roxadustat during the 2022 U.S. Open. Later on, investigators discovered purported anomalies in her biological passport, which may disclose aberrant blood results recorded over a period of time.

The natural hormone erythropoietin, or EPO, has long been a preferred doping agent among endurance athletes, and roxadustat may aid in increasing its production.

Halep accuses tainted nutritional supplies and disputes any misconduct. To demonstrate that they were not responsible for the contamination, athletes must provide proof of the source.

She said outside of court, “I cannot speak more so I have to wait (for) the decision and then I will be able to give more information.”

In the Wimbledon final in 2019 and the French Open final in 2018, Halep triumphed against 23-time major winner Serena Williams.

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