Travis Head Explains the Post-Ashes Drinks Scandal, Saying “Two Minutes Turned Into an Hour, Boys Got a Bit Fed up”

The Ashes 2023 featured family-friendly entertainment with much of on-field drama and a dash of cricket controversy that split players and supporters equally. Even though Australia kept the Ashes, England won the fifth Test to force a 2-2 draw and bring the series to a close.

A second issue broke out hours after the post-game awards ceremony when news surfaced that England had skipped the usual post-series drinks with their Australian rivals. The issue was increased by Brendon McCullum, the England coach, saying earlier in the series that he wouldn’t be sharing a drink with his enemies anytime soon.

Ben Stokes, the captain of England, promptly put out the flames by stating that the two teams did meet, but it was in a nightclub rather than the locker room.

To be clear… Multiple last minute incidents caused our wrap to take longer than intended. Instead of meeting in the locker area, Stokes had tweeted, “We decided to meet up at the nightclub.

Travis Head, an Australian batter, has since spoken out about the incident and said that it was rather overplayed in the media. He said that although they did make a few attempts to knock on England’s door, the hour-long wait left them feeling a little frustrated.

On the Willow Talk podcast, Head said that the situation had been “a little overplayed.” “I believe we lingered around briefly after the game. They had a few retirees and, I believe, a few staff members who were leaving. The lads were a little frustrated after we knocked a couple of times and were given two minutes, which stretched into an hour.

He acknowledged that the two teams did eventually cross paths at a club, but it wasn’t ‘by plan’.

However, several of the males later caught up with them, and I’ve spoken to a number of the men I was close to on the time discrepancies. A little depressing, but I doubt that was deliberate,” Head added.

“We didn’t go to the nightclub together. Again, it was entirely by design that both crews ended up at the same location. I believe it was a Monday night, and because there aren’t many places open on a Monday night in London, we ended up staying there. shared one or two Vodka Red Bulls before heading to the airport,” he continued.

Head said that the players themselves made light of the development. “There were a few boys that I know, [like] Ben Duckett was sort of chirping me a little bit about us dogging them and I chirped in a little bit about them dogging us, so all in good spirits,” said Head.

Like I said, I believe we all kind of laughed it off, but the media kind of hyped it up. Although such things do happen, it wasn’t meant to be, he continued.


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