With less than a month till the Asian Games, the final list of Indian athletes has not yet been released

The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and the Sports Authority of India have failed to approve the names of India’s delegates, despite the fact that they were finalized back in July, and the Asian Games are set to begin in less than a month.

The 19th Asian Games are slated to take place in Hangzhou from 23 September to 8 October 2023; however, it is yet unclear which athletes and coaches will advance.

With the exception of July 23 for wrestling owing to an exemption, player names were last finalized on July 15. The sports ministry and the SAI have not yet approved the names or made the identities publicly known.

Athletes in various sports are uncertain about whether they will compete in the Asian Games on the government’s dime or not as a result of the delay. Some athletes and coaches are also concerned about making the list in terms of fulfilling government requirements.

According to a source, some athletes plan to get in China before the quadrennial meet even begins.

The Indian Olympic Association has made a kit purchase for 700 men and 300 women, the article continues. Given the variety of sports Indian athletes participate in and the size discrepancies among them, the fabrication of uniforms with little over a month left may become a problem.

Prior to the events, it is also necessary to transport equipment to China, and other logistics, such as tickets and lodging, must be organized.


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