To assist tuberculosis patients, the Uttar Pradesh government spent Rs. 2.78 million under the Nikshay Nutrition Program

According to the Chief Minister’s office, the Uttar Pradesh government has taken efforts to give vital nutritional assistance to TB patients under the Centre’s Nikshay Nutrition program by investing Rs 2.78 lakh in 2023.

According to ANI, there are now 4.16 lakh TB patients receiving treatment in Uttar Pradesh.

The Nikshay Nutrition program attempts to prevent malnutrition in tuberculosis patients by providing nourishing meals. The program also intends to eradicate tuberculosis from the state by 2025.

Dr. Zia Hashim, the head of SGPGI’s pulmonary department, told ANI, “While taking numerous TB medicines, the patient needs nutritious food for support.” She said that the patients who are getting nourishing meals, community support, and encouragement are benefiting from the efforts made by the Uttar Pradesh government.

The article also describes Anno, a patient who was extremely undernourished and whose body could not withstand the heat of the medication after being diagnosed with TB. She began using the Nikshay Nutrition Scheme at that time, and she finally beat TB.

Ismat Fatima, a 29-year-old Sahadatganj resident, contracted TB, yet her nutrition was in good shape. She had no trouble following her pharmaceutical regimen as a result, and after six months of intensive therapy, she fully recovered. She is currently content with her life and carrying out all of her duties. According to her experience, TB is undoubtedly a severe illness that may be treated by maintaining a healthy diet.

The instances of Anno and Ismat serve as illustrations of the significance of maintaining proper nutritional levels throughout the healing process for TB patients looking to restore their health and be free of the illness. This information was just released in a paper by Lancet. This experiment emphasizes how crucial it is to provide family members nutritional assistance in order to avoid TB, according to the statement.

In a study including more than 10,000 family members, nutritional assistance led to a notable 40% decrease in all TB types and a 50% decrease in infectious TB among the relatives of patients with pulmonary TB.


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