A couple from Kolkata marries at a hospital when the bride becomes ill before the ceremony

Many people’s hearts have been touched by a heartwarming tale that recently demonstrated love that has no bounds. The bride became suddenly ill just before their much-anticipated wedding. Even though cancellations are common in situations like these, what happened was really amazing. Rather than delaying, the couple chose to be married in the hospital ward.

Unexpected events led to a young woman being admitted to the hospital with stomach pains, and two days before her wedding, she was diagnosed with viral hepatitis. Despite the setback, the couple chose to tie the knot on Saturday night at the hospital ward in Durgapur, West Bengal. The bridegroom traveled from Delhi, and they were joined by family members, hospital personnel, nurses, and other patients as they exchanged garlands and carried out the customary rites.

Microbiologist Sucharita Patra of Delhi had been looking forward to her big day with engineer Amit Mukherjee of Noida for a long time. Their families were determined not to let the date pass them by despite the unanticipated change of events, particularly since the groom and his family had already traveled to Durgapur.

The Times of India reports that the family first asked the hospital administration for permission to transport Sucharita outside in an ambulance for a maximum of one hour in order to perform the ceremonies. The board of directors of Life Care Medical in Durgapur, however, showed compassion by approving special permission for the wedding to be held within the medical ward.

Subrata Kumar Patra, a mechanical engineer in Bilaspur, expressed his thanks, saying, “We are very thankful to the hospital authorities for allowing the wedding to happen inside the hospital.” Although they didn’t normally let it, they defied their policies and let us perform the rites within the hospital.

After meeting in Delhi for work, Sucharita and Amit have been together for a long time. Following the marriage ceremony, Amit remained in Haryana while his family departed. When Sucharita gets released from the hospital in four to five days, they will all go back to Noida. The father informed the Times of India that the marriage registration would take place at a later date.

The family claims that on Thursday, when Sucharita was getting ready for the wedding at home, she complained of stomach ache. After being hospitalized, she was diagnosed with viral hepatitis.

The physicians eventually determined that it was viral hepatitis the next day. Her ailment necessitated hospitalization even though it wasn’t persistent,” a family member said.

With the blessing of hospital CEO Satadal Dutta, the couple was able to tie the knot in the ward in front of ten family members and a priest.

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