After refusing to give up his seat to a pregnant woman on a plane, a guy asks Reddit, “Am I the A**hole?” and receives an unexpected response

Social media users have been drawn to intriguing films and “in-the-air” moments more and more of late. Another ‘in-flight’ incident had a guy asking Reddit users whether he was a ‘A**hole’ for refusing to give up his aircraft seat to a pregnant lady. The guy said that he had prearranged and reserved his seats based on his comfort level since he was traveling to celebrate the holiday with his family. However, he felt it was unjust and refused to “give up” his seat when a pregnant lady requested him to.

“I was flying by myself on a 5+ hour flight to visit family over the holidays,” the guy added, describing the experience as “AITA.” I purposely reserved and paid extra for a seat in the second-to-last row along the aisle because I sometimes need rapid access to the restroom due to medical difficulties. A lady begged me to give up my seat so she could sit closer to the restroom just before we boarded. Despite being pregnant, she didn’t appear upset. Even while I understood her predicament as a person with a medical problem, I did not think it was appropriate to insist that I vacate the seat I had paid for and reserved, particularly because it seemed that she had not reserved an aisle seat in advance.”

The pregnant lady persisted in demanding that he give up his seat, and the Reddit user who posted the image under the username “michaeldonelly” went on to say that the flight attendants declined to intervene. He went on to question the users, stating that his family thought he “should have inconvenienced (himself) and given up (his) seat,” and whether he was incorrect to refuse them a seat.

But the advise from Reddit users is different for him. Remarkably, many who praised the guy for standing up for himself also informed him that he had made the correct choice. A commenter commented, “Seems she just assumed she wouldn’t have to pay for it, since some s*cker was going to move.” One more responded, “Yeah, this. I have no clue why, since there were other seats available, the lady was so intent on taking OP’s seat. It seems that she believed traditional public humiliation would have been effective.

Third user: “People who think they are entitled to any seat they want.” Nope. if choosing your seat cost money. You are seated there. Story ends here. You are not responsible for my lack of preparation or your choice to save costs.”

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