Elon Musk promises to “fix” the disappearing tweets after a man complains about them from his feed

On his microblogging site, X, Elon Musk is often seen communicating with people (previously Twitter). The founder of SpaceX recently responded to a user’s complaint about a feature on the site that they didn’t like. Elon Musk has received a lot of attention on social media as a result of this gesture. It all began when former professional player and basketball coach Xan Barksdale posted on X and posed a query to Elon Musk. He said in the article that while he has liked the platform for years, there is one characteristic that he finds to be the “worst.”

Elon Musk, I adore Twitter, but the worst thing is that every time I open the app, I see a tweet that seems fascinating, but then the stream refreshes and I never discover it again,” Barksdale stated in his article. This can’t be happening to just me, can it? Many people were interested in his message, including Elon Musk. The tech mogul responded to his question by saying that their business has been attempting to resolve the problem. “Yeah, we’re fixing this so you can scroll back to see interesting posts,” Elon Musk said.

When the Tesla CEO responded, Barksdale was ecstatic and thanked him for brightening his day. Soon after they exchanged messages, the post quickly became popular. Many of them shared their opinions in the comment area. “It recently occurred to me that this is a feature, not a bug,” said one of the users. Instagram also carries this out. They could change it in a minute if they didn’t like it. When something is shown to you and then taken away, it induces FOMO, which makes you want to use the app right away. “Yep,” wrote another. It keeps happening like this, and every time it refreshes—which it does frequently—I see the same two to three tweets throughout the day.

The post has 1.8 million views as of right now. In relation to Elon Musk and X, there has been an official change to their domain names from to on the platform.

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