Erroneously declaring a retired professor “dead,” Ranchi University cancels pension

In the past, many individuals have unintentionally been pronounced dead. Following that, there are several cases of individuals having their papers canceled. In the same way, some people have lost their nationality. We continue to be amazed by the many documentaries and films on these tragedies. A case with a similar incident arose in Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand. The deceased person’s pension had been revoked by the university.

Ranchi University mistakenly declared Dr. Brij Kishore Singh deceased. Still, he was alive and had just retired from his position. He lost his pension as a result of the error. The profession was used in the field of physics. Fifteen years ago, he retired from the department.

Each month, he went to the bank to pick up his pension. If he had not received a notice on the first of the month, it indicated that he had not gotten his pension. It compelled him to call the bank. Regarding e-pension, Dr. Brij Kishore Singh filed a complaint. The bank notified him that they had not received the pension as well when he told them what had transpired. Additionally, the funds did not reach the bank. His account was not credited with the money. He then sent a complaint to the Ranchi VV headquarters. After learning of the complaint, the department’s staff members expressed their regret to him.

He was deemed deceased by the data because the Department of Pension had entered the wrong information. Dr. Brij Kishore Singh made the department’s staff make adjustments.

At last, they told Dr. Brij Kishore Singh that the pension would be sent to his current bank account the next month.

In India, it is fairly uncommon for someone to be declared deceased as a result of errors in official documentation. People have already been made aware of such events. Government representatives have made several revisions. A few of these instances also surfaced during the elections.

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