Internet Reacts When Hyderabadi Woman Recreates “FRIENDS” Title Song in Hindi

One of the most watched television series on the internet is the American comedy “FRIENDS.” The program, which debuted in 1994 and continued for ten smash seasons, is ingrained in our collective memory.

It chronicled the adventures of six New York-based friends as they dealt with both personal and professional highs and lows, with a lot of their interactions centering on Central Perk, a coffee shop. Now, the Hindi version of the show’s theme song, “I’ll Be There For You,” was uploaded by a singer-songwriter from Hyderabad. Her rendition of the same song was well-received by many when it went viral on social media.
Ramya shared the video on Instagram. Ms. Ramkumar may be heard asking, “What if this theme song was made in Hindi?” at the opening of the video. Then, using the melodies from the original song as inspiration, she performs her rendition of the song in Hindi.

The little video has received 58,000 likes and 1.2 million views since it was uploaded. “For many of us, myself included, losing Matthew Perry this year was one of the most devastating losses. This is something I made for him (primarily to keep him focused) as a token of my love and gratitude for all the laughter he has given us over the years. I could not bring myself to do this sooner since it was too difficult. “May his soul rest in peace,” she captioned the photo.

One user commented, “Treat to the ears!”

“Wow.. who would have thought that we can make an equally beautiful version of Friends title track in Hindi,” said one individual.

“I had goosebumps from the moment you started singing,” a third person said. I’m not sure when the crying started.”

One person commented, “This is so so pretty.”

“Whoah. Absolutely stunning Ramya. I’m able to listen to your composition in a nostalgic fashion. You created a cover that, for every Indian fan, brought Friends one step closer because it will always be remembered. Magnificent,” remarked someone else.

Someone another said, “If that show ever dubbed in Hindi… my moneys on this song for the OST.”

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