Reactions From Pakistani Citizens To India’s Chandrayaan-3 Success

Following this, India made history by becoming the fourth nation to land on the moon as part of its Chandrayaan-3 lunar expedition. People from all around the world hailed India for the historic accomplishment while it was being accomplished.

Indians in our neighboring nation likewise lauded India for its enormous accomplishment. Pakistanis praised India for their perseverance, saying that despite their failures, they persisted and eventually succeeded in landing on the moon. Social media users have shared their response widely. Here are the answers given by Pakistani citizens who were questioned about India’s successful moon landing operation.

A citizen in Pakistan responded to India’s historic achievement by saying, “India dared to land on the moon and I am sure that they can go to Mars and beyond.”

Another person said, “India proved themselves with this historic feat and we (Pakistan) haven’t even come up with a diagram.”

In the words of another, “The Bagha border is their Moon and they cannot bother beyond it.”

Fawad Chaudhry, a politician from Pakistan who had made fun of India following Chandrayaan-2’s unsuccessful landing, called Chandrayaan-3 a “great moment” for the ISRO.

“What a beautiful moment for #ISRO as #Chandrayaan3 settles on the Moon. I can see many young scientists enjoying this occasion with Mr. Somnat, Chairman of ISRO. Congratulations,” Chaudhry posted on X (formerly Twitter).

A live broadcast of what Chaudhry called a “historic moment for humankind” should have been shown earlier, he pleaded with Pakistan’s media.

“All eyes on #Chandrayaan3 Moon landing at 5:40 PM, great day for Indian Science Community and Space Scientists, Congratulations to People of India on this great achievement,” he posted.

Pakistani media have to broadcast the Chandrayaan lunar landing live at 6:15 PM tomorrow.momentous day for humanity, particularly for the people, scientists, and space community of India. Much Success,” he wrote on Tuesday.

India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission, which took place less than a week after Russia’s Luna-25 mission failed, was its second attempt to land a spacecraft on the Moon. As the spaceship reached the surface, viewers around the nation prayed while riveted to their televisions.

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