Robot Solved Rubik’s Cube in Less Than a Second—”Blink and You’ll Miss It”

It is a difficult challenge to solve a Rubik’s cube. The two most important things that may help someone achieve in an endeavor are patience and focus. The Guinness Book of World Records (GWR) states that Yiheng Wang of China set a record for the quickest average time taken by a person to complete a 3x3x3 puzzle cube. Yiheng Wang solved the cube in 4.48 seconds. Can a robot, however, win the game against a human? That seems to be a yes. After integrating a spinning puzzle cube in less than a second, a Japanese engineering firm made history with the GWR.

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A team of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation experts accomplished this amazing achievement. The robot, designed by the company, achieved a record by solving the challenge in 0.305 seconds. On May 21, the event took place in Tokyo. Guinness World Records posted a blink-and-miss-it video on social media showing a highly sophisticated computer solving a typical 3x3x3 puzzle cube very quickly. The engineering team applauded with delight as they accomplished the amazing feat. “New record: 0.305 seconds is the fastest robot to complete a revolving puzzle cube. The notation said, “Mitsubishi Electric Corporation shaved 0.07 seconds off the previous record.”

Reactions erupted in the comment area. “The Rubik Cube Was Solved Before I Blinked,” one pleased user disclosed. Another person said, “It would be better to create a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS (Robots Edition).” “That is truly unreal how quickly that is,” said another person.

According to GWR, Tokui is the head of the remarkable record-keeping team in the Motor & Generator Manufacturing Engineering Department. As a motor developer, he was familiar with the premium goods the firm utilized, which were also used to make any equipment. He aimed to shock and amuse the public by showcasing the machines’ capabilities. “After seeing the previous record holder’s footage, I concluded that our motor is superior to theirs. Thus, I was optimistic that we could defeat them quickly,” he said.

The first effort at solving the riddle was unsuccessful, but the second attempt was successful. The robot beat the clock, producing the eagerly awaited outcomes and gaining the title of record.

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