UK Park shares a video disputing claims that a human was dressed as a sun bear

A park in the UK went to social media to deflect similar accusations after a Chinese zoo was accused of dressing up a real person as a sun bear. A video of Kyra, a sun bear from the Paradise Wildlife Park, posing like a person was posted online. The video’s title made it clear that the goal of the movie was to make fun of the Chinese zoo event.

The popular video was posted on the park’s official Instagram account. The description for the video said, “We can confirm that Kyra is a sun bear.”

A adorable sun bear was seen standing on its hind legs in the video. The untamed beauty was peering attentively at the guests from behind a glass while standing and moving about on two legs.

The video is becoming popular and now has 17.8K likes from viewers. Netizens also joined in the humor, flooding the comment section with snarky remarks on the subject and mockingly labeling the sun bear phony.

No, that’s Jeremy from accounting dressed as a bear, a person said. Another person chimed in, “Nah, that’s Steve from payroll dressed as a bear. Another individual said, “If not friend, then why friend shaped?!” “Oh, they do stand extremely human-like, really! A fourth spectator said, “I can see why there was uncertainty. Another responded, “Hahahaha 100% Dave in HR,” and a fifth agreed.

In a different occurrence, Hangzhou Zoo in Eastern China was accused of dressing up a man as a sun bear. The accusations were made after the widespread success of a video showing the alleged sun bear standing on its hind legs like a person. Later, the zoo addressed the situation and refuted any such actions in a statement.

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