Watch as TikTok star Noel Robinson and Mumbai’s Dancing Cop, Amol Kamble, take the internet by storm with their hilarious video

Popular TikToker Noel Robinson, 23, is in the news after his recent trip to India. The TikToker shared a video of himself dancing with regular people on the streets of Mumbai on his official Instagram account. One video that caught the interest of online users saw him working alongside Mumbai policeman Amol Kamble, dubbed the “dancing cop.” This video has gone viral on the internet since he shared it.

In the video, the two could be seen dancing together, with Noel acting like he was stealing a phone and the policeman joining in rather than reprimanding him. The humorous film, which showed off the lighter side of the Mumbai police department, was intended for viewers’ amusement. Noel called Kamble the “coolest policeman in the world” after having a great time dancing with him. Online commenters, on the other hand, took issue with the video, claiming that the policeman’s dance conveyed an inaccurate image of police conduct.

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Kamble responded by uploading a second video to elucidate the circumstances and demonstrate “action” being taken in relation to the “mobile snatching incident.” The caption of the recently released video emphasized that the Mumbai Police are always on guard and prepared to take action, while Kamble was shown amusingly “taking action” against Noel.

On social media, this Amol Kamble video has gained a lot of traction. He is being mocked by internet users for his dancing skills and for allegedly winning this trend.

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